Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Responsibilty"
    With Great Power comes Great RESPONSIBILTY . - Spider man
  • "Retirees"
    Retirees have 2 major Concerns - HEALTH & WEALTH .
  • "Determined"
    Some Succeed because they are destined to,But Most Because They are DETERMINED To.
  • "Ultimately"
    Ultimately people only want to deal with you for one of two reasons - the perception they have of you or the relationship you build with them.
  • "Production"
    Mentoring has tripled my production over the last five years.
  • "Ladder"
    All that stands between most people and the top of the ladder is the ladder.
  • "Gift"
    Yesterday is history tomorrow is a promise and today is a gift which is why they call it the present.
  • "Greatest Love"
    Life Insurance is the greatest love letter ever written.
  • "Optimist"
    An optimist may see a light where there is none & - but why must a pessimist always run to blow it out.
  • "Ideas"
    Ideas are the currency of the Future.