Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Video Testimonial

Video Testimonial

Mr. Jaswinder Preet Singh Advance Engineer at GE, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India at Advance Engineer at GE, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India


Dated: 26 May 2014

Source: 2006

Client Since: Http://Www.Linkedin.Com

1: What Was The Best Thing About Our Association?
Answer: Sanghi Team knows the Business Well+Advise is very Well planned & Customised according to the needs +customers have lot of faith in Sanghi Team+Approach is Very Professional
2: What Was Something You Have Been Not Been Happy About Our Associaton?
Answer: Do not give a lot of time to think- Sometimes it Aggressive
3: What Made You Buy From Us For The First Time?
Answer: The way it was communicated
4: How Can We Make Our Relationship Stronger?
Answer: Its already Strong team Comes back every 5 years
5: What Changes Do You Advise To Make Our Team Better If Any?
Answer: Birla sun life team is Not very polished had lots of issues While Updating the online Portal.
6: How Do You Want Us To Improve Our Service?
Answer: Very Professional Team
7: Where Would U Like To See Our Association 10 Years From Now?
Answer: Good Consulting Team
8: Feedback, If Any?
Answer: Happy with Things have proceeded
9: Rate-1-5(1being Excellent)
Answer: 1
10: What Was The Most Unique /Special Featur/Competetive Advantage About Our Association
Answer: Has cousin into same Business but he believes our as advise is more valuable