Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Top"
    "You can't take someone to the top of the mountain without getting there yourself."
  • "Chance of succees"
    "Playing to your strengths and developing a style that uses what you are naturally good at greatly enhances your chance of success."
  • "Success"
    "The great successes in this business aren't doing anything anyone else can't do who is willing to be organized and take advantage of every minute,every hour of the day."
  • "Life Insurance"
    The only thing a man can buy on an installment plan, which his widow won't have to finish the payments after he dies, is "LIFE INSURANCE.'
  • "Love"
    " You love your wife and family, don't you?"
  • "Income"
    " You don't need disability income protection if you don't need your income."
  • "Productive Item"
    "Look at your desk. Stop, think. What is the most productive item on your desk that you can do?"
  • "Elevating"
    "Elevating you thinking often elevates your results."
  • "Question"
    "It's not a question of if you die, it's a question of when you die."
  • "Endurance"
    "There's no man that has endurance like the man who sells life insurance."